Samsung Galaxy Note 9 vs. Google Pixel XL 2 beasts: Specs comparison

Samsung Galaxy Note 9 vs. Google Pixel XL 2 beasts: Specs comparison

The first factor of the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 vs. Google Pixel XL 2 battle is the performance. Under the hood, the Google Pixel XL 2 specs offer Octa-core 4×2.35GHz Snapdragon 836 processor. Also, the Google Pixel XL 2 phone has 6GB RAM and 256GB ROM (non-extendable). Meanwhile, the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 specs pack the Snapdragon 845 and Octa-core 4×2.45GHz processor with 8GB RAM. For the internal storage, Samsung Note 9 smartphone also comes with 256GB ROM (non-expandable). Regarding the performance, the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 is better than Google Pixel XL 2.

Samsung Galaxy Note 9 vs. Google Pixel XL 2 beasts: Specs comparison

Furthermore, we come to the cameras of the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 vs. Google Pixel XL 2 comparison. In particular, the Google Pixel XL 2 cameras have the Dual 16MP sensors on the rear and 8MP lens on the front-facing for selfies. Besides that, the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 cameras draw the dual 24MP sensors for the main shooter and 16MP lens for the secondary snapper. In term of photography, the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 is dominant over Google Pixel XL 2 again.

Moreover, the screen is the next specs of the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 vs. Google Pixel XL 2 battle. Specifically, the Google Pixel XL 2 specs contain a 5.7-inch screen with a resolution of 1620 x 2880 pixels. Otherwise, the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 specs include a 6.32-inch Super AMOLED Ultra with HD display. Besides, the Google Pixel XL 2 flagship runs on Android 8.0 with 3450mAh battery life non-removable. Also, the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 smartphone works on Android Oreo 8.0 with 4000mAH battery capacity non-removable.

Samsung Galaxy Note 9 vs. Google Pixel XL 2 beasts: Price comparison

We expect that the Google Pixel XL 2 price is around $929 or Rs. 59,699. For the  Samsung Galaxy Note 9 price, we hope that the new Huawei flagship starts from Rs. 66,195 or $1,029. So, which one of these smartphones above do you prefer? Share with us your ideas.

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